In a matter of days and hours, COVID-19 brought work, school and caregiving together in unprecedented ways. Now, today's work experience has the potential to significantly impact working parents going forward - for the better or for the worse. How employers reboot their workplace in the coming months could make all the difference in the future of work for working parents.
Having spent the past few weeks working with clients on grasping and addressing the challenges that COVID-19 created in the workplace and for working parents specifically, we are turning our attention to those who are battling these challenges day in and day out - homeschooling their kids, making meals, keeping their home tidy, crushing it at work and trying to stay sane - the parents!
We are excited to be collaborating with Apres Group, a coaching company, community, and a job marketplace helping women reenter the workforce, on a survey that will serve as a platform for parents to share the challenges and celebrate their wins when working from home. The survey findings will inform the recommendations and counsel we provide to employers, and hopefully create a better workplace for everyone.
We hope you’ll take a minute to take this survey and share it with your friends and peers.
Share your story now.